Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hell does not exist

I realize this first one will probably ruffle some feathers, so I put it first on the list.  I can just see people already telling me, but Sir, the Bible says we will all go to hell if we don't believe in Jesus?  This is what the church is selling right now.  They would have you believe it's a forgone conclusion as if to believe otherwise is somehow anti-christian and anti-god.  Others will say, "Without the threat of hell, what will keep people from doing wrong?" As if we are children that need a form of punishment to be laid out in front of us to choose to do right.

What does the Bible and early Christian and church history actually teach us about Hell?  Well early Christianity doesn't teach about it.  As a matter of fact it wasn't until 300 years after the death of Christ that this concept of hell really came along.  It wasn't until after great Christian Leaders of the time all got together and decided among other things that Hell is a place people go if they don't believe in Christ.

What does the Bible say? The word most often translated to "Hell" in the Bible is actually Gehenna.  Gehenna was a well known location during the time Christ walked the earth.  It could be found just outside Jerusalem.  It was a place people brought their garbage to be burned and also a place that criminals and vagrants that had passed away would be sent to have their bodies burned.  It was assumed they were not worthy of a proper funeral.  It was shameful to be burnt up in the flames.

So what is Jesus saving us from?  Death and shame would be my answer.  And an eternity either void of a loving god or void of anything for that matter.  If he is saving us from eternal death and damnation, then he is saving us from Shame and ceasing to exist.  That's why it was so important that Christ had victory over death!  In Revelations there is a fiery lake that the dragon is cast into along with the other Demons, but there are two things I notice about this story.  First of all, it's an allegory.  It is not meant to be taken literally.  Secondly, it does NOT mention sinners being there.  I think that's telling.

Near the end of Revelations the Bible actually says a few things that are very important to my argument.  It says that God will create a new heaven and a new Earth.  It makes no mention of Hell.  If what the church preaches is true and we all die and go to Heaven or Hell, then who is the new Earth for?  It also says that "Every knee will bow, Every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord."  They would have you imagine that there will be people burning in hell for all eternity that will drop to their knees and praise Jesus?  I can tell you right now, I'd be giving him the middle finger, but maybe that's just me?

My final argument for no Hell existing is more of an emotional thing from the heart than any hard facts.  If indeed a God exists, and he allows people to go to Hell simply because they failed to have belief in him by the time they die, then that is NOT a God I will ever serve.  That is NOT a loving God.  Christians can sugarcoat it with all sorts of niceties, but at the end of the day, their general concept is flawed.  God does not love his creation if he would allow eternal torture in a fiery pit just because you grew up in a Buddhist family and never accepted Christ as your savior.

I know I am not alone in my thoughts.  There are a select few pastors who have spoken out against the existence of Hell, and usually at a great cost to them.  Watch the video below to see one of them.

Rob Bell, the Pastor of a church in Michigan, in his book Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, questioned the churches concept of Hell as well.

Bell denounces the idea that a loving God would banish somebody to eternal torment, for not believing in Jesus, especially those who come from non-Christian parts of the world. He starts out his promotional video sharing how at an art show somebody posted a note on a piece about Ghandi that read “Reality Check, Ghandi is in Hell.”

Keep in mind, these are all my opinions.  I am simply seeking the truth as a humble and flawed human being.  If some of it resonates with you, then at least you know you are not alone.  If it doesn't, then hopefully it opened your eyes up to the fact that not everything you have been spoon fed is as simple as it's made out to be and it encourages you to look deeper into what you truly do believe.  Please read on either way as something else might ring true for you even if this portion doesn't.

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